Laura Secord

I was lucky to get to illustrate Laura Secord Easter and Christmas Campaign.
For the Easter commission, I was sent their featured bunny and a catalogue of their products.  My husband (a graphic designer) and I were able to create a direct mailer with artwork on the front and coupons on the back.  I really enjoyed letting my imagination go and produce a sweet childhood story.  A little girl sitting on the grass peaking into her basket with the Easter bunny by her side and a little chick pulling Laura Secord’s iconic Easter egg in a wagon.  So much fun!
For the Christmas campaign, we created another direct mail.  This time they wanted to feature their Christmas Teddy which they sent me along with their product catalogue.  I  decided to illustrate Santa holding the Laura Secord box of chocolates along with their Christmas Teddy Bear.
I also included my100 year celebration submission to Laura Secord.  It was a 3 fold brochure with a outer package design. I created the look by incorporating my original card art with new illustrations of the Laura Secord product line.  

If you are interested in commissioning an illustration for your next project or want to know more about them, you can contact me using the form below:

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